We Have More In Common Than You Know – MHAM Blog Challenge: Day 13

Prompt: The Faces of Migraine video – Please take a moment to watch and then share the video.

This video prompt made me think of the Sesame Street Song, “We All Sing With the Same Voice”. The song highlights that we may look different, have different names, come from different places etc., but we all experience the same emotions, have fears, love to have fun and need to be loved. To emphasize how much we all have in common as the human race, the 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th and 11th stanzas end with, “My name is you.”

As migraineurs we have differing symptoms and triggers, stories and ways of coping. Yet we all yearn for: relief; to understand our bodies and this disease; and desire to be understood and supported.
We all fight this debilitating, genetic, neurological ENEMY, with all it’s symptoms and the stigma that comes along with it. As the Sesame Street song aptly put it, “My name is you.”

How migraine has and continues to ravage my life:

  • I had to resign from my job. I was coming home in excruciating pain almost every night; vomiting and crying in the bathroom (at work), regularly; had to be taken to the emergency room once and had to sleep at work on a number of occasions (with the knowledge of my former Senior Director who is also a migraineur and could therefore empathise).
  • I had adverse reactions to some of the prescriptions I was given over the years.
  • I spend 80% of my time at home with the blinds and curtains closed.
  • I suffer from bouts of depression and insomnia.
  • I miss many of the events hosted by friends and family. I missed my nephews graduation last week.
  • I have to limit the time I love to spend in a volunteer Bible education work I enjoy.
  • I can’t walk my dog any more.
  • I can’t clean my entire home in one go anymore – I’ll end up in bed for at least 3 days.
  • Leaving the house for any reason is taxing physically and often results in aggravating my symptoms: Head pain, nausea (I suffer from motion sickness) …

– Skylar

For more information on this blog challenge (hosted by the American Headache & Migraine Association (AHMA)), and/or to participate see more at: MHAM Blog Challenge 2014 .



2 thoughts on “We Have More In Common Than You Know – MHAM Blog Challenge: Day 13

  1. I cried when I read this. I left the phone number of the woman I recommended to you in your email. Give her a call. It can’t hurt. She is very encouraging. You don’t have to go to see her in person. The test is done thru the mail. She has helped so many of our friends.

    • Thanks Elaine :). You are a very kind and empathetic person. I appreciate that.

      I’ve actually made arrangements to do the same with another doctor. Plans were made a while back because a friend of ours, who suffered from chronic migraines for 2 months, was helped by him.

      If I have no success with him I will definitely contact the sister.

      Hope you and your family are well.

      – Skylar

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