Stick With The Plan – “My-graine” Action Plan Step 8

Creating a plan is easy; sticking with it is the hard part. To keep myself motivated, I’ll write a monthly post on my progress with the plan. The initial post was created on July 2nd, so my first “check-in” will be on August 2nd. Do you have a migraine plan? If you do, please share it…

Migraine Trigger Free Diet – Action Plan Step 1

This is the first step in my “My-graine” Action Plan. Why? When migraines become chronic, eliminating food triggers is a good place to start. It’s free, natural, and in some cases food allergies play a large role in triggering migraines. Wouldn’t it be fab. if I could heal myself without tons of meds., doctors visits…

“My-graine” Action Plan

Can you believe it’s already July 2nd. We’re two days post Migraine and Headache Awareness Month. How do you feel after spending an entire month meditating on hope? I feel rejuvenated and inspired. Throughout June’s blog challenge, I gave much consideration to the next steps in my life with Chronic Migraine. As I blogged about…