Welcome, welcome, welcome to migrainepuzzlepieces.wordpress.com and/or to @migrainepuzzle on twitter!!! I feel honored to make your acquaintance and to know that you are interested in making mine. I hope this blog inspires and comforts you, while raising awareness about the genetic neurological disorder that plagues my life: MIGRAINE – It’s Not Just A Headache! –…

Weekly Welcome

Last week when I wrote my weekly welcome, I was at just over 400 subscribers on this blog. Today, as I type this post, it’s at 441 yay! WELCOME! and thank you for joining me, whether on twitter: @migrainepuzzle and/or here on migrainepuzzlepieces.wordpress.com; your presence is valued. I look forward to hearing from you all. –…

Weekly Welcome

Hello, welcome, and thank you for joining me new subscribers to migrainepuzzlepieces.wordpress.com and @migrainepuzzle on twitter. I really appreciate you taking time out to read, like, share and comment on my posts and tweets. Did you get a chance to read about the 6 month challenge I’m doing? If not, please check it out and…

Weekly Welcome

Welcome, welcome, welcome new subscribers to migrainepuzzlepieces.wordpress.com and @migrainepuzzle on twitter! You’re decision to subscribe to one or both is valued by me. I look forward to growing and sharing with all of you. Please feel free to comment on any and all of my posts. – Skylar

Weekly Welcome

Welcome new subscribers!!! Glad you could join me on my journey to completing my chronic migraine puzzle. If you’re a migraineur then this entire blog is for you. If you’re chronically ill and/or in chronic pain, depressed or suffer from anxiety I’m sure you’ll find many articles you’ll enjoy. If you’re here for the poetry, please check…

Weekly Welcome New Subscribers

Yesterday I had to nurse a #9 migraine. As a result, I totally forgot to say a special welcome to my new subscribers on migrainepuzzlepieces.wordpress.com and on twitter: @migrainepuzzle. So: I just want to say thank you for joining me and listening to my migraine ramblings. I look forward to hearing from you all. – Skylar

Weekly Welcome

Every week I am graced with lovely new faces and beautiful strong voices here on migrainepuzzlepieces.wordpress.com and on twitter: @migrainepuzzle. I just want to say that your presence is greatly appreciated and that your comments are welcome. Thank you for joining me. – Skylar

Weekly Welcome

Good morning to you all! I just want to say WELCOME to those who recently started following me on wordpress.com and on twitter @migrainepuzzle. And thank you for checking out my blog. If you haven’t already, please check out my latest post: Stand Up For Yourself – Be “Brave”– MHAM Blog Challenge Day 21. Wishing…